Supplies List

HSA Primary
Yes, it’s that time of year, time to get ready for school to start at HSA Primary!!!
First day of school: Tuesday September 13th
With all of the back-to-school advertisements, moms and dads are undoubtedly
wondering what to buy.

Supply List
We will not be asking the 2nd - 6th graders to carry boxes with all of their supplies this year, as we have storage for the supplies in each classroom.  

Each student should bring the following supplies to contribute to the classroom.  PLEASE BRING THE SUPPLIES TO SHARE TO THE ORIENTATION DAY IF POSSIBLE!
* a 12 pack of colored pencils (sharpened)
* 8 white glue sticks (preferably not purple as it gets all over the tables).
* A box of tissues
* Pre-k - 1st a package of baby wipes

Each student should also have the following supplies in his/her bag at all times:
* scissors
* sharpened pencils (check each week)
* pen
* specific supplies (notebooks, etc. required on individual class pages)

You may also want to include in their bags:
* small bottle of hand cleaner for before they eat (they are not always good about washing their hands!)