Writing Primary 2 and 3A

Writing Classes

HSA primary school

Meet the Teacher 
Mrs. Rachel Davis
Writing Primary 2 and 3A

My name is Rachel Davis.  I live in Scottsville, NY with my family.  My husband and I have been married for over 10 years and we have 4 children.  I have been homeschooling for 3 years now, since my oldest entered first grade.  Before that I taught reading in kindergarten and first grade at Brockport Elementary.  I love reading and writing and am very excited to teach a writing class this year at H.S.A!

Hi Everyone!

I am really looking forward to helping your child's language skills grow this year!  

I feel strongly that good writing stems from reading quality literature.  They go hand-in-hand!  In class, books will play an important roll in the starting point of our lessons.  We will be doing some projects that start with traditional stories and tales that can be linked to the places they originated from like China, Japan, India and Ancient Greece.  Many of these fables convey values such as honesty, courage, generosity and diligence.  We will also be using different picture books and nonfiction books throughout the year.  

I'd like to see the children write in their journals at home every day, but will be giving credit (prizes!) for up to 3 journal entries each time they come to class.  I will hand out journals to them on the first day. They will also earn credit for any homework assignment that I ask they take home to do.  They will sometimes need to finish a project at home with your help because of the limited time in class. That way everyone can start at roughly the same place when we meet on Tuesday.  Please provide a folder to keep in their backpack for bringing papers home in.

I'd also like to see the students reading 20 minutes a day at home.  If they could do that five times a week, they would be reading 400 minutes a month! Wow!   I will be sending home activities that will encourage the students to read at home all year.  

Things to look forward to in class:

-Using provided sources to do a shared research and writing project with a classmate
-Learning to gather information from a variety of nonfiction sources
-Presenting pieces of work to the class in our "Author's Chair"
-Using the writing process (Prewriting, Drafting, Editing and Publishing)
-Opinion writing
-Letter writing
-And most definitely you will see quality children's literature used in class to demonstrate and teach good writing!  

This will be a fun year for everyone!  Each child has different learning styles and abilities. (Teaching my four boys at home has shown me that!) I will meet each child at their level in class and want to keep open lines of communication with you as parents.  I will try to email or send home a "wrap up" of what we did in class and what the assignment is each week.  Please feel free to email me anytime:  rachelnjosh@gmail.com

See you soon!