Science 4-6

Meet The Teacher
Mrs. J. Marie Leslie
Primary Grades 4-6

For Mrs. Leslie, growing up on a dairy farm in Western New York provided lots of opportunities for exploring and discovery. Although neither of her parents completed high school, they were both natural teachers and fostered curiosity and learning. After high school, Mrs. Leslie attended Houghton College as an Elementary Education major, but, midway through her sophomore year, changed her major to Nursing.
After graduating from Roberts Wesleyan College with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing, she moved to Oklahoma.There she met her husband, Scott! They’ve been married 28 years and have 2 grown children.

Her teaching journey began when her first child entered kindergarten.  She reasoned, “Kindergarten can’t be too complicated.” So the adventure began! Nineteen years later, she’s still teaching and loving it! She found her 2 children were very different in how they learned, and she began a serious study into learning and learning styles. While home schooling, her family enjoyed studying New York State History by doing an across New York State camping road trip. US History was studied the same way from sea to shining sea! These trips provided lots of memorable, “I’ve been there” learning experiences.

As a family, the Leslies enjoy camping, hiking, kayaking, backpacking, bouldering, spelunking, rock climbing and rappelling. This summer, many nights were spent lying out on the trampoline finding constellations and watching for shooting stars. Now that the weather is cooler, a rousing game of Dutch Blitz and a cup of hot apple cider makes a great family night.

Mrs. Leslie and her family live on the family farm along with their dog, 2 cats and 5 chickens.
She started with HSA in 2007 when her kids were students in the program, first assisting the science teacher, then moving into the teacher position. When her youngest graduated last year, she took the year off “to recover” but is glad to be back at HSA teaching Science!


The syllabi for quarters 1-4 are posted on the
"Homework and Activities Page"

Hello HSA Chemistry Students and Parents,

The first 3 weeks of science have gone well!
We’re getting used to things and getting into the swing of classes.
I wanted to go over a few things for those who didn’t make it to the “Teacher Meet and Greet” or for those who found that day overwhelming with way too many things to remember.

Review Information -
In order to make the science year run more smoothly for families with students in both younger and older grades, we’re adjusting the “Answers in Genesis” reading schedule to be more “in sync” with the younger group.
It’s easier and more fun when everyone is learning the same things at the same time.
Also, everyone learns more.
That’s why we started in the book,
Properties of Matter and are now switching to
Properties of Atoms and Molecules.

Properties of Matter
Week 1 –– Lessons 1,2,3
Week 2 – Kelvin, Lesson 4
Now the switch!
           Properties of Matter is put aside until Week 15.

           Week 3 – Start - Properties of Atoms and Molecules – Lessons 1,2,3
We’ll work through this entire book. Once it’s completed, we’ll go back to Properties of Matter and begin at Unit 2 where we left off.

This way the content and concepts coordinate better with the younger crew.
In addition to that, learning about atoms and molecules and the periodic table first, then moving on to density, solutions, and concentrations, (etc.) is a more logical progression. So it works better all around!
Parents often ask, “Are the assigned lessons on the syllabus read before Tuesday class or after the class?”
These text books often describe the entire lab activity along with all the observations and results; because of this, reading the lessons AFTER the lab is preferable.
If students read the lessons before they have the opportunity to explore and discover, it eliminates discovery and impedes the development of observation and critical thinking skills.

Starting Week 3
There are homework sheets assigned.
These worksheets give your student an opportunity to practice information they’ve learned in the chapters and become more familiar with the material.
These sheets are also helpful in preparing your student for the Quizzes/Test.

Atom Color Scheme for homework assignment:
Protons – RED
Electrons – BLUE
Neutrons – GREEN

For continuity, the students should color their homework sheets using this color scheme
Quizzes and Tests
Parents, it’s your decision whether you want your student to take the Quizzes and Tests and what format you will use.
Parents of younger student often do the quizzes out loud with the parent asking the questions and the student answering. Other families allow their students to do the quizzes open book. Parents of older students often have them do the tests in the traditional way.

Home Activities
These science books are chock-full of labs and fun activities.
The labs/activities are color coded by grade level:
Grades 3-8 BLUE sections
Grades 6-8 GREEN sections
The activities in class will be from the BLUE section.
There are too many to fit them all in, so parents are encouraged to give some of them a try at home!
If you have a Sixth grader that loves science, doing the activities from the green section will be an exciting learning experience. If your student isn’t a super science person, they may find the green section a bit challenging.

Lab Notebooks
I do have the students turn in their lab reports from the labs done in HSA.
The labs are corrected and handed back to the students.
October 4th is a Field Trip day!
Enjoy the day off from classes and the cooler fall weather.

Mrs. Leslie


HSA science classes follow a four year rotation covering:
- Earth science
- Biology/Life science
- Physics
- Chemistry
This year’s focus is Chemistry!
We will be using Answers in Genesis’ - God’s Design for Chemistry and Ecology.
The 3 texts are:
- Properties of Matter
- Properties of Atoms and Molecules
- Properties of Ecosystems

These texts will provide a fun and thorough study of chemistry.
Please order them yourself.
They can be found at -,,
This is an excellent curriculum!
- The books are well done with loads of information.
- Each lesson is printed in full color with colorful photos and helpful graphics and illustrations.
- The curriculum is designed to be used for multiple grades so families only need to purchase 1 set of books!
- Instructions at the beginning of the books explain how to use them for different grade levels.
These texts have a great resale value!

You should order the complete set that includes the teacher supplement for each book.
During the HSA year we will complete the books -
Properties of Matter and Properties of Atoms and Molecules.
Since the HSA school year is only 28 weeks, we will not have time to do the 3rd book, Properties of Ecosystems. However, It's a fun book to do at home at the end of your school year during the warmer weather when you can visit zoos and other fun ecosystem places.

Lab sheets, Worksheets, Quizzes and Test:

For everyone that has a legal copy of the books, the latest versions of these documents are available at
These pages are used for:
labs in class,
homework assignments
home activities and
quizzes and tests
Copies may be printed according to your families needs.

The majority of class time will be spent on "hands on" activities!
Each class day students will perform a fun experiment or kinesthetic activity that explores the concepts the students are reading about in their text books. Students will work with a "research partner" for labs or in small or large groups for kinesthetic activities in order to investigate and discover.
Each student will be required to have a lab notebook. Many experiments build on one another, so lab notebooks stay at Academy. Each student is encouraged to make observations and hypotheses then record their discoveries and results in their lab notebooks. Lab notebooks are graded throughout the year.

The Syllabus will be posted on this site.
Parents and students can see:
the lessons for the week,
the assigned reading,
any homework assignments and
the weeks that quizzes and tests are to be taken.

Parents decide whether to quiz or test their students. All quizzes and tests are done at home. Some parents choose to give the quizzes and tests in written form while others do them orally individually or as a group. 

Supplies needed:Pencils with erasers
Lab notebook 1/2" - 3 ring (stays at Academy)Take Home Notebook - 3 ring - to hold handouts for home and a small amount of paper for class . (can be a notebook with other subjects)Clear page protectors – 10 in take home folder –