Music 2-6

HSA music class

  Grades 2-6

At HSA, my goal is to supplement your music program at home by doing things that are difficult to do at home, such as providing opportunities for students to (1) participate in ensembles, (2) showcase their musical skills in front of an audience, and (3) participate in group games and activities which teach music concepts. All students will learn how to make music as a group. Not only is this an enjoyable learning activity itself, but it will aid them in developing social skills such as following directions, cooperation and teamwork, taking turns, sharing the spotlight, encouraging others, and more. 

Updated August 13, 2016
Younger elementary students (Grades 1-3) will have a different focus this year.  We will be having music classes the first two quarters and will be doing a musical: Sing a Song of Christmas:  A Simple Christmas Musical for Kids. We will make a group order of the music to get a better rate on the books. Each student needs their own copy of the book (about $7) for class because I will teach music reading skills in class.   CDs are $13 and would be helpful for students to learn the music.  Families can either purchase one CD per family or they can listen for free on Brentwood Benson's website if they register with them. 

Homework: Students will be given short weekly homework assignments of practicing music and narration which we will cover in class at home.
Older elementary students (Grades 4-6) will be having music classes during the second half of the year and will learn more complex rhythms and melodic patterns than the younger students, performing 2 or 3 part vocal music. They will also learn to play the recorder, or improve on the recorder skills which they already know. We will use the program called Recorder Express, which offers a book, CD, and online game code. 

Homework: Students will be given short weekly homework assignments of practicing music which we will cover in class at home.

Required Materials:
Grade 1-3 students: Parents should purchase a black 3 ring binder with several pocket dividers. I will provide music at the cost of about $7 per student for a music book and $13 per family for a CD (see above).
Grade 4-6 students: Parents should purchase a black 3 ring binder with several pocket dividers.
Students who had me last year can use their book, CD, and recorder from last year.  We will probably do a group purchase of the recorders and music to get a good buy for the parents. The cost will be approximately $15 per student.

Meet the Teacher
Mrs. Alicia Thomson 

Contact Information:     

I have always had a passion for music, but as a mom and a teacher, I am also passionate about teaching music! Music is such an important part of our lives. It is a wonderful vehicle to express praise to our Lord: 

Psalm 33:3 (NIV)
Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy.

With a Bachelor's degree from Greenville College in Illinois, and a Master's Degree from Roberts Wesleyan College, I am certified to teach elementary and special education. I have always been very involved in music, taking numerous courses; from piano, voice, organ and harpsichord lessons, to choir, conducting, music theory, and piano pedagogy courses. Since about 7th grade, I have accompanied choirs and played regularly in church. I always enjoy learning more about music, and I am currently taking voice lessons, teaching myself to play the recorder, and learning better teaching techniques.

In addition to enjoying music, I love being the wife of Robert Thomson (married 20 years in August!) and homeschooling our two children: Sarah, who will be beginning at Roberts Wesleyan College this fall, and Joshua, who will be a sophomore in high school.