History 4 - 6

Primary 4-6 
Meet The Teacher

Mrs. Cindy Beers
Mrs. Cindy Beers has been married for 20 years and has had the blessing of being able to raise my two children: Esther (13) and Joshua (10). She has enjoyed teaching in one form or another for the past 20 years. Having gotten her degree from Salisbury State University, she started teaching at Jefferson School in Georgetown DE. and has taught every grade from Pre-K to college with the exception of the high school grades.

Her primary focus in her professional teaching career has been a mixture of Spanish, history, geography and English as a Second Language. She has been blessed with the wonderful opportunity to teach at Home School Academy and is enjoying every bit of it. Mrs. Beers has enjoyed meeting all the children she has worked with in the past and look forward to all that God has for her in the future. 

The 2016-2017  class will cover government; elections and ancient civilizations. 

During the first quarter, students will explore how government operates as they learn how the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government work together to form a democracy.  Class time will be VERY hands-on as students will be creating a student council government for H.S.A. Primary.  Students will participate in the election process as they establish this government.  It will look something like this:

                 "We the students of H.S.A., in order to form a more
                  perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility,
                 promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of
                 liberty to ourselves and our posterity will ordain and
                 establish a constitutional government of the Home School
                Academy.  This government will be of the students, by the
                students, and for the students."

A workbook will be required for this class.  The cost of the workbook will be between $3 -$5 paid for by the parent, but provided by H.S.A.  There will be homework assignments for this class.  Homework will be from the workbook as well as the current election happening in our country. 
*The name of the workbook to be posted soon.

Throughout the year we are going to be compiling a personal journal noting our experiences in visiting specific ancient lands and learning about their geography, culture, history, locations of interest and people groups. We will clearly be traveling a lot so get your passports ready and bags packed!

Please note that HSA is a 28 week program, 1 lesson per week. We will be dedicating 16 weeks to this portion of the year. This is not a complete history curriculum for your child. It is a supplement to what you teach at home. Be sure that you are also teaching world history or ancient history at home.

Here is the order of civilizations we will visit:


Supplies List:

                                                       Need first day classes:
  • 1" 3-ring binder w/ pocket and lined notebook paper
  • 5 dividers
  • 1 X 2 inch printed picture of your child's face (2 pics. / child)  
  •                       Noted on Syllabus when to bring in

  • Clean (2) one gallon milk jugs
  • 4 baby food jars
  • 1 barbie type doll
  • 1 box that the doll can fit in nicely with a top

We will be learning the mummification process when we study Egypt. Every student will need a Barbie doll or the equivalent. If you have an over abundance of these dolls that you would like to get rid of, we would love to take them off your hands!

We will also need baby jars...lots of them!!!!

*Any and all changes  and new information for this history class will    always be noted on this blog space.

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Here is a link to my Syllabus:

Here is the link for the History Project Assignment